Sunday, April 3, 2011


Inga's birth part 2 (surprise unassisted birth) 14.52

Samuels home water birth w/ bkgr music 7.38

The Unassisted Birth of Jason Shawn II w/ screaming 2.57

The Miracle of Birth per Monty Python 4.26

JaimesBirth w/ orange bottom, v. graphic 11.00

Te Wāhi Whānau - The Birth Place in Second Life 6.44; Visit The Birth Place in Second Life

Jackson's Birth 9.30; *we didn't film much of the labor so I just left that part out...this is the good part anyway!* w/ talky midwife: "Let him stretch out your bottom."

Shiloh's quick and peaceful water birth 3.31 Almost makes it look too easy

Child Birth 3.07 In hospital; very lo-fi; no audio

Parto cesária - Cesarean Birth - Sofia Andrade Silva - Vídeo 3: Nascimento 2.05 In Spanish

Emma's Birth Diary (Part 3) 7.41 TV doc w/ narrator; 6th kids